Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner

UNLOCK your potential
Do you feel stuck in some areas of your life?
Can't evolve in your career? Unhappy in your relationship?
Can’t get rid of a bad habit, destructive behaviour or situation?
Are you tired of constantly doubting yourself, questioning your worth?
Thinking that you are not good enough?
Are you fed up with putting everyone else's needs above your own?

If your answer was yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. These are common issues many of us are facing with on a daily basis regardless of age, gender, and while the list is far from exhaustive, at the end of the day, these are all obstacles that stand on our way of reaching our full potential, and oftentimes to be able to make things happen FOR US instead of letting things happen TO US.
but it is never too late to regain your confidence and take control of your life
You don't even have to do it alone. I’m here to guide you to unlock your potential by identifying what lies beneath your issue in order to get rid of it for good, so you can be the best version of yourself and start making things happen FOR YOU.
About Me

Hi, I am Zsófi
As a certified hypnotherapist and rapid transformational therapy practitioner my mission is to empower you, to guide you on your journey of reclaiming the natural confidence you were born with, breaking free from your limiting beliefs, finding out what is holding you back, so you could be the best version of yourself and the creator of your own life.
I’ve always been passionate about helping others realizing their dreams, but it took me for a while to step on the right path regarding my own dreams. After countless tries and errors, “should have” and “what if” I had to realize that it is not the external circumstances stopping me from really going for what I want. I was the one standing on my own way. I was procrastinating because I was afraid that the result won’t be good enough, I couldn’t say no, because I felt that it would mean I am not a good enough friend, a good enough employee or daughter... and the list could go on. From very early on I’ve looked into the different modalities of the human psyche from the more traditional approaches to the spiritual ones, and while I found many positive impacts, I didn’t really feel align with all their aspects until I discovered RTT® . Being able to trace back the origin of my limiting beliefs gave me such a profound understanding, the power to let all those hurt attached to them go, and the ability to change them for better ones, and then of course to go after my dreams. This time for real.
Since then I'm all about guiding others through this journey, because if I could do it, you can do it too!